Sunday, March 9, 2008

SiLi, F3 ,warriors.

Hi guys,
I first joined usher when my leader, Pei Shan put me in usher ministry.
I didn't really know what it was though. I still remembered that it was a saturday when Pei Shan called Jazreel and told her we were in usher. Jazreel told me and she was really excited but i was thinking why she felt this way , so i pretended to be very excited too.
On my first day of usher, i did not bring mints nor deoderant as my usher
i/c didn't asked me to do so. I wore the wrong attire , i wore the one which the youth were supposed to wear. So my usher mate Hui Qi, at that time told me it was wrong and i started panicking. However , my i/c closed an eye since i was a new crew.

On my first duty, i didn't know what to do as i didn't go through usher training before.
So the more i did usher, the more i liked it. Except for the part when we had to pray as i was afraid of praying out. I remembered Mark was my usher i/c and he was really nice , he got things done quickly and he knew always what to do as he planned everything properly already. I really inspired to be and usher i/c just like him.

On the third week or usher, i remembered Jazreel and I were late.
And it was really funny. Jazreel and I were neighbours, so we decided to go church together. I was upstairs preparing and we Jazreel waited for me for about 3 minutes. The worse part was , we planned to meet at 12.30 when usher started at 1 . and we stayed at Telok Blangah , which was quite far. She arrived at my house downstairs at 12.42 and i reached at 12.45. So we arrived at dhouby ghourd around 1.30 She gave the excuse that she waited for me a very long time which was only 3minutes ! I was very furious at her at that time . But Jazreel and I now always joke about this and I think its really funny. But i learnt not to be late.

A few months later, i became an usher i/c. My first duty was to lead the usher team for the zone F camp. Nobody guided me and thus, everything went hay wire. My ushers did not listen to me .
Thus, i went to JianMing crying. JianMing discipled them and usher carried on as normal for that night. From that, i learnt that planning usher is really very important as you can keep track of what you're doing. From that week onwards, i led usher properly and with more confidence.
And to train myself not to be scared, I make sure i lead the team in prayer every single service as God will then move.

And just Decemeber last year, JianMing raised Mark, Jazreel and I as section leaders. Yupp, I really feel even though I'm leading ushers, I feel that I'm increasing in leadership quality.
So its really amazing, that through usher, God can use me and I can increase in leadership qualities. And i hope to become a chief usher in ZoneF when I'm around 15.
2 more years to go :D


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