Saturday, December 15, 2007
10 years old!
14th Dec is my birthday!!! I am 10 years old as a christian & in HOGC! I am so excited about the future. Time really fly man. And I'm really happy to be in HOGC. And I have been in usher ministry for 6 years!!! haha! (Old usher !!!-_-) I just want to say that in this 10 years with God, A lot of things happen in my life. And in all this year, I have overcome lots of problem too. And looking back now, WOW, i have come so far. you know guys, why not you all look back and see how far you have come. And you will comfirm be shock that you have change a lot. I can't wait for another 10, 20, 30, more years. I'm prepared. My future is really going to be great with God.
Noni love ALL the ushers!!! (I mean ALL) Keep running this race!
10 year old,
Monday, December 10, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
strip away the flesh, take us higher
These few months have been very exciting, usherin the people and seeing souls being planted in church.
Its a privilege to be an usher as you get to witness salvations. every week we share the joy of our Psts and leaders in church attendance.. "ah did we breakthrough? did we break 700??"
"How many chairs do we have to put this week?" Pure anxiety of the church attendance and not just heeding the instructions of the chief ushers.
Thinking about it, ushers have the privilege to count the number of people every week. We may not get the actual attendance but the rough gauge is first in our hands. Joy of breakin through new numbers weekly just excites me.
Week in week out, "hey i have not seen him before. heyhey who is she ah.. intro me leh!" Ushers at the white gate literally usher these new people into their destinies.
2 months after someone is planted in church, come to think of it, 2 months before it was the ushers who play a simple yet impactful role in the spiritual realm by just saying hi to them.
Man! What a great privilege to be an usher!
I remember Samantha foo shared with me before, even if you were to be a TL for life, be a great and dependable one! I'm saying even if you were to haha. The definition of great TL; a leader who does his or her job well, his/her leaders do not have to chase them for people work.. but instead they provide their own solutions to their problems, prempting every possible problem that may come their way. Definition of dependable; when your/any leader wants to find a leader, you will come to his/her mind.
And it applies to ministry as well. it is set in my heart, since im in it, why not give my best, just throw myself in. i may never be a chief/head usher, but i want to be a great and dependable usher!
I cannot share with you how excited i am everytime i see people rising up, people start to serve in church.. the joy of newly planted integration worshiping their hearts out.. but let me tell you something, you and i are part of all these. because that very moment that this new friend walks into our premises, this is where it all began. and it is not just new friends, but every single one of the people from new friends to the leaders. you dont know how powerful you guys are.. i've been down and discouraged before services. but the very first encouragement i received wasnt from my leaders, but it was the ushers. when they greeted me they seemed to have the "everything's gonna be alright" face. Ushers are the people who bring a smile to the people. Can you see how powerful you are..
we witness as ushers a church that is stucked at 500. we witness as ushers salvations and decisions. right now, we will witness as ushers how heart of God church will breakthrough and march forth to 1000.
"He's beautiful. She's beautiful."
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Look at FIGHTERS cook!
Here are some photos Fighters took while preparing for the usher gathering!
Carlo only knows how to take photos.
This is the difference between a pro...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Usher Gathering!
Today usher gathering was so great! All of us have so much fun and fellowship together!
The most funny is the Usher Chair Challenge! Want to see again? Yes! Here the video!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Updates! **
I've updated the schedule on the blog, so please do check your duty timings!
And PREPARE beforehand both physically, mentally and spiritually! So that you will be well equipped to do the work of God and give your best to Him as well.
And please tag more often. The tagboard is growing cobwebs.. hahah!
Alton Chua
Friday, November 2, 2007
LY is here to make this blog alive! Haha. This blog seems to be left for ... (I didn't count how long it has been left alone). Nadine invited me to blog in this blog. So nice to blog here! :)
I'm glad to join this ministry and love to be in this ministry. Usher ministry is the best ministry where I can find the way to go and learn about discipleship. I'm currently in Fighters team. I love this team! :D
From my heart, I can say that this is the best ministry 'cause people from usher ministry can change a lot in their characters and how to control our manners. "IT'S ALL ABOUT DISCIPLESHIP!". For example, there're a lot people from usher ministry who have grown up to become leaders in church not only team leaders but also connect group leaders. One big example is ROY who was Head of Usher Ministry, now is a zone supervisor. I'm hoping to grow stronger to become leaders like them. TRY MY BEST!
From this ministry, I can learn a lot. Last weekend, on Sunday, I was ushering with Spartans to help out. It's great to experience ushering once in other team. I have learnt new things. I was impressed by Jin Hwee. On that day, as I think, she was on the second duty. (If Jin Hwee or any one in Spartans reading this blog, please correct for me. I'm not sure the 2nd or 3rd).
WAHHHHHHHH, she is POWERFUL, man! She's really hungry to learn and hungry to serve! She is so open and willing. WILLINGNESS! I'm so impressed that I want to praise her here. From her, I can know how to improve myself. Now I can learn how to grow to another higher level in serving God and people! Haha. SEE ME CHANGE!
I have been in church for 5 months, in Usher ministry for 4 months. I find that our ministry has been accelerating to be more professional and impressive to the people. We're growing BIGGER!
I love Usher ministry!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
thought of the day
"Whenever we face temptations or we have a thought of wanting to disobey God plan inside our head, many times with good intention we continually discuss the matter with the devil
Just like eve, she started talking to the devil. However she was'nt strong enough and eventually got deceived and tricked by the devil. The bible says the devil is the father of all lies and we are to resist rebuke and refute the devil. Not discuss or contemplate upon the doubts and temptations the devil plants in our minds
So if the devil disturb you again , just refute him with God's word choose to obey God and move on in life (:"
Whenever we have a conversation with the devil, will you choose to press the red or green button on ur phone? haha
I remember jian ming once shared with some of the ushers after 811 grand opening about having a strong mind and not letting the devil influence your thoughts your way of thinking..
And i remember Pastor Sy always as this.. DOnt keep a secret with the devil...
devil.. you watch out!
Michelle Yao (:
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
I'm back in Usher Ministry!
This is a remined that we are doing usher this saturday (13/10/07) I am so excited and happy about it.. Cause i can finally come back to do usher with you guys.. And most powerful is, Jian Ming(HU) will be ushering with us together! Tell you man it's very privilege for us to have jian ming ushering with us.. haha.. One more thing is that I've one month PLUS never do ushering already. I miss it so much man.. haha.. Looking forward to work with you guys! (Just being random)
Actually i write this post is to remind you all 1 WORD.. Word: PREPARE!
Sound familiar right? Yes is Prepare... Remember what Noni told u guys? If you are prepare you have already win half of the battle. Amen?
Also remember the small thing too.
See you guys on saturday!
Sorry ar.. For those think i talk too much here, Please forgive me. Cos i super long never talk about Usher Ministry thing. For those who know what i mean, and for those don't understand. You will know where it's your turn.
Please come back to usher blog to post and tag. Facebook is fun, but remember Usher Ministry blog!!! (Just being random again) haha..
Weijie (Swee)
Thursday, October 4, 2007
I Have one more paper left! JUST ONE MORE!My exams end tomorrow [8oct] and i will be back! yes! like finally!HAHA
throughout the period of time when i've been taken down for my exams, I felt that i have grown in many ways! The church itself have grown to another level! (:
I've been a christian for 2 years 6 month and 4 days![to be detailed]
Many times the things we do, for example, We had passion for something, but yet, it die off along the way. the ministry or God?
We are serve in ministry because we wanna serve God! (:
was reading my devotional.It reminds me of all the small little things like giving thanks to God, having more faith and many many more (: things that i can apply it in my christian walk and in my ministries (:
Michelle YAO
Daily Devotional
Now for the church is flowing into a season of Spiritual Hunger!! How is your Devotionals coming along? For myself personally, i learn alot and one of the chapter that impacted me was be a salt in the world!
Just feel like sharing with all of you on what i have learnt(:
Firstly, Do you know that after drinking salt water it will make you thirsty? what do i mean and how can i relate to our life? ha The answer is that when we talk to our fellow new usher mates, after a conversation with a new crew, do they feel more "thirsty" to learn more? And wants to have a desire to be a leader in the ministry(Be it a 2nd IC, Chief Usher of even Head Usher) haha (time to think about it!)
Secondly, salt is a flavour! And when we are Ushering, do we treat it as a thing that we must do or excite the people who is entering into the auditorum to excite them for the later serivce by saying/ greeting them with a big smile and say a loud "HI WELCOME, TO HEART OF GOD CHURCH THIS WAY PLEASE! Hope you enjoy the service later!!" You can be at any position that your chief usher assigned you but will you make a difference or let it just be an ordinary Usher duty that you need to do?
Was just thinking, why not we also share about daily devotions in Usher blog?? It will be cool and everyone get to learn from each other and grow together!
HAHA!! Also lets keep this blog alive!! thou face book is funn.. hhahah!
Spent lesser time playing facebook and STUDY (if you are taking ANY kind of exams major or minor is still an Exam!!)
With Lotss of love,
- Usher Ministry Rocks((: yea!
Friday, September 21, 2007
So happy!
Fighters get ready for New Word from noni!
I also don't know what word izzt.. HAHA..
Jian Ming is coming back to Singapore!!!
He arriving at 3.15pm T 1!!! If i not wrong.
Love Ushers,
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Keegan's first blog
This is my life's ever first time blogging and is because nadine keep nagging at me to blog.. LOL!!
*Nadine I have also blogged already!!
Just want to say that it is my pleasure and honour to usher in such a cool ministry. I must say that this ministry is really fun!!
Ushers lets really grow to a whole new level.. (:
Noni's first Blog...
FInally I blog.... (Thank God) Haha. Wow, the other usher blogged until so colourful.. Mine black & White!!!-_-
*Nadine i blogged already so don't chase me anymore =X Keegan never blog... Haha
This is the first time i blog in my whole life. And Fighters, LOVE & PREPARE! Haha
I just Realised again that usher ministry rocks and it's very fun ushering. Haha. If you really go and think about it, you will agree with me. And last Sat, I was sharing with Fighters about Love & Prepare. That's why they all only tag Love & Prepare at the tag board only. !!!-_- (Fighters type something else) So usher, let's really grow up to a whole new level in ushering. Amen?
*Jian ming, Pei shan, Cherie, Nadine, Shan yong, Sean, Keegan & myself love you guys really Really REALLY a lot... =)
Love, Prepare
Noni Lim
Sunday, September 16, 2007
The first time he came, he was a blur blur new usher.
Now, he's a radical usher dying to serve!
Although he had tuition and couldn't make it for usher duty ytd, he still wants to serve and even ushered today!
That's the heart and attitude behind serving. (:
Why not we blog about an usher that inspires you and you have learnt little things from them? Hahah.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Miss Usher!
Nadine i blog liao.. Cos she told me to blog few days ago!
I really really really miss ushering man! For those of u are not taking down from usher, must treasure it man.. But don't worry.. next year is ur turn liao!!! AHAHAHAHAH....
My font also very colourful.
Anyway for those of u are in warriors please help me to take care 1 person name call Kheng Siang.. he just only 2 months plus old christian! Thanks guys!!!
Unlawful Hunger,
Sweet or Swee (Wei Jie)
It's my first time blogging here!! so exciting! haahahaha.
half way done with my exams! will end very very soon (:
the rest of the people! Jia you!
even those not taking major exams! must do well and bring HIM glory (:
who say radical christians cant be on fire and have good results at the same time?
hahaha I'm missing Pastors and the Leaders already!
It's like when you reach home, yet you dont get to see your parents and elder siblings.
Tomorrow's nordic conference! Let's pray for our Pastors man!
This week's goanna be amazing! let's really give our BEST and receive from Pastor Derek and Pastor Glenn!
unlawful hunger (:
Okay, got to go! USHERRRRSS dont miss me too much!! hahahaha
BE back sooooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooN
Monday, September 10, 2007
I think I'm super cool!
Do you know why all the male chief ushers never seem to blog?
WELL, that's because they DON'T KNOW HOW TO!
So, I'm cool because I'm teaching all of them how to blog (:
How great am I :D
Look forward to exciting posts by the male Chief Ushers!
Spiritual Hunger,
PS: That was Shanny's FIRST post in his entire life!
PPS: 64 more days and I'M BACK.
PPPS: Colouful post because must follow ALTON CHUA. HAHA
Its that time of the month again! When usher schecule is given out and people start losing their piece of paper or did not attend the meeting (like me.. XP but i got reason one!) therefore!
Look at the side of the screen!! TADA!!! THE USHER DUTY BOX HAS MIRACULOUSLY UPDATED ITSELF!! WOW!! So everyone, take this chance! and not take this MIRACLE for granted! Check it weekly to keep yourself updated about when's your next duty. People like NADINE ah, always linger her soul around here because she wants to serve but was taken down cause of AE.
So ah!! Better appreciate your chance man!! DONT take it for granted! hahah!
PS: My reason is coz my CG having meeting at that time, so i cannot be present. haha
And there is a secret MSG hidden somewhere in this post! can you find it? XD
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Usher Meeting
Friday, September 7, 2007
first time blogging in my entire life! wah. WARRIORS ROCK! lol haha later spatans and fighters not happy =x.
USHER IS SO FUN!!! so although SOME of us cant be having fun, you guys ENJOY+) but dont be too happy cuz be4 you all know it, WE WILL BE BACKKKKKK!!!!!!
cant wait to usher again!!!! and also cant wait to get back on lights!!!!! (for those who dont know, yes i'm in lights) althought i havent done at all this year. but anyway, this is usher blog. so... USHER ROCKS! muhahhahahaahhaa. ROCKZ ON USHERS!
- shannyz
Sunday, August 26, 2007
AE. =] well, just to let you guys know, my mom came today for AE. =] so she saw all the ushers ushering people here and there. She saw shermaine, and remembered her as a skinny girl who came to my place before. so she was generally on the look out for ushers, coz she knows i'm in usher ministry. =] but guys, just want to take pride and pleasure in telling you, firstly, Thank you! coz you guys were really great! and Well done! and keep up the good work people! =] hahaha. so now she has nothing to complain about being an usher. COZ YOU GUYS WERE REALLY FANTASTIC! hahahaha, YEAH! hahaha. thanks guys. =] she was particularly impressed with Chealsea downstairs, wah, church still got people usher you out with umbrella one arhz? not bad arhz. hahahahaha. well, we're a different generation of people amen? =] and now i shall have less persecution for coming for usher! hhaahaha
but as we all know, i've been taken down from usher for AE right? so you guys just wait. you wait. i'll be back before you know it. muahahahahaha. keep up the good work guys! i love you all! i'll be back! hahaha =]
- Agnetta
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I'll be BACK!
And Noni keep calling me to ask me ushers' contacts..
Reminds me of .. (CRIES). HAHA
Anyway, don't worry!
Blink your eyes and I'll be BACK!
Os are coming soon, which means they are ending soon too!
Before you know it, I'll be back torturing everyone!
Have fun with your fire drill tmr!
PS: Although my body is no longer around, my soul lingers on. So don't think I don't know anything! Nothing escapes my eyes. HAHA
Always there,
Nadine the Pretty
Monday, August 13, 2007
I'm back with another round of announcements!!
The usher schedule on the left of the page has been updated according to the latest one given out, so do check regularly and report for your duties. =D
Next Usher Ministry Meeting will be held on the 9th September 2007 after service.
NOTE: Everyone is suppose to report 3 hours before service timing
Thank you everyone!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Happy Family!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
For FOP I did two usher duties, because well it's my last, might as well as make it fruitful eh?
Sunday, was a total blasttttttttt.
I wanna thank Noni for giving me the opportunity to serve as a SL!
It's a whole new experience between the difference of serving as a normal usher and to be a SL.
I've really gone up to another level!
Noni shared with me the focus, in being a thinker.
We can't always rely on the Chief Ushers or Second ICs to help us. We have to become independent people who think, instead of always running to them for help.
Also, the congregation are very different.
Through the FOP, I've learnt how to handle them professionally and not simply leave them hanging there. Ushers, never say no! We could always work out a solution.
Now, I have to announce in utmost misery, I will be taken down from Usher ministry. ):
AE! All those taking exams, let's really glorify God through our academic results!
P.S. Thank you Noni for the fried rice! Zhen hao chi :D
Ushering in a whole new level,
Imai ♥
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Festival of Praise -- 03Aug'07
Ushering in FOP is exciting dont you agree? im sure everyone does. but is exciting enough? One thing that really impacted me during pre service is really about getting to know yourself more. what do i mean by that? an example that happened to me was there was this lady who seemed a little lost. so i went up to her and asked if i could help, yet all she replied to me was a curt, NO. ouch. might i add that hurt. Had God not intervened in my life 8 months back, i would most likely have cause a commotion back there. and then it really showed me, what it means, to love someone unconditionally, and be able to take her No, and yet, turn around to her and say ok no problem and thank you. talk about keeping a cool head.
Next, was as per normal, the reservation of seats. even in HOGC services, we also have our reservation of seats. and at times, we just unfortunately have to turn to the people and get them to forgo their reserved seats. It's not easy to try and ask of this favour, and yet remain nice and yet firm at the same time, but i'm sure God put Jian Ming as head usher for a reason. remembering last christmas JM shared about people reserving seats, and he gave 3 words. Address, Explain, Reassure. Address the issue, in this instance, the reservation of seats. Explain why we need them to forgo their seats. And lastly, reassure them that these friends whom they're saving these seats for have seats. Listening to Jian ming share is one thing. thinking and talking about it is another. Doing it, is a totally __________ experience. [sorry la. i really cannot find any words to describe it. haha] the tension to be nice yet firm about it. so the word goes around that we have to open up reserved seats. me and nicholas had to go around and open up the seats, this has to result in us going up to the people and explaining about our situation. Nicholas, i'm very glad to say, did not say, "eh you do the talking and i'll usher the people." what he did say was, "erh, i dunnoe how, can you show me how?" well done nicholas! =] (im sure you all know how it feels. =])
Next was during sermon itself. people generally tend to leave their seats half way during word, and sometimes, it's difficult to usher them back to their seats. There was one woman who had to leave her seat because her son wanted to use the toilet, and she was making a small commotion as we could not return her to her seat. this was due to the fact that her seat was actually in the middle of the block and going in and out would have been very distracting to people around. so pearlene was there, explaining to her about why they could not return to their seats, and if they might want to shift positions, and i mean the woman really kicked a fuss. but pearlene. =] =] =] you really stood firm. =] did i mention that the two people i mention, Nicholas and Pearlene are both "new crew" having joined us only for 1 or 2 months. =] it pays to have Jian Ming as head eh. =] annointing flows down. =]
And i think the last thing which i feel was one of the most impactful things of the night was when i came home and searched for Jian Ming's post on a life of committment vs a life of excitement. The phrase : Life of Excitement = No direction = No purpose = No vision I was thinking to myself, do i see myself doing usher duty here at FOP as exciting or committment? When Jian Ming lead warriors1 that week he shared this, he shared, "are you going to come back here in 10yrs time with the same attitude? or are you going to look at it as something more?" i found myself thinking, "am i going to come back for duty after duty, dragging a half dead body with shuffling feet? are people going to look at me and say, hey, here's someone ready and willing to give all she has for God, or are they going to look at me and say, why is she here with this kinda attitude?" Like what Jian Ming posted, never be comfortable in what you have, but instead, every service, come with a new outlook, a new angle where you can see more possibilities. To not see yourself as a normal usher, for you are never normal. God told me this before, if you want to lead by name, then you are only a name. instead, lead by example, so that even if you dont have a name, you have something to show for it, comparative to those who lead only by a name. We might not be head ushers. We might not be chief ushers. We might not be Second ICs. We might not be section leaders. We might not be section ICs. We might not even be anything by name. but then again, what's more important? our name? or our servitude? I believe all of us are capable of being the next Shan Yong, the next Pei Shan, the next Noni, the next Cherie and even so, the next Jian Ming. BUT! are we going to only be called head usher? or will we step into Jian Ming's shoes? I believe with every ordinary service, we should carry extraordinary expectations. To be able to learn from every service, from our chief ushers, and even from one another.
It's been a great privilege to be working under Jian Ming, most of today's chief ushers, and also with my fellow ushers. =] FOP, literally Festival of Praise shows us, about praising God in our times of need, our hours of darkness when there seems to be no light. I thank God for now, i have been quite dry, and really today's usher has really opened my eyes, and showed me, how He has still lived in my life. and i'm sure all of you can tell i really need to say this coz it's 5 plus in the morning. hahahaha. =] but guys, also, a big thank you. =] for being awesome friends, and also, wonderful siblings in Christ.. =] thanks loads! =]
~ushering people into their destiny~
-an ordinary usher, with extraordinary expectations
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Recently I met up a group of people in usher ministry for a meeting. I share with them about:
Life of Excitement Vs Life of Commitment
Just thought of sharing with you.
First of all, it's always good for us to do self-evaluation.
Question: When was the last time you actually evaluate yourself in your walk with God?
So this post will make you do a self-evaluation in your walk with God.
Today, I'm going to share with you about a life of Excitement and a life of Commitment.
Are you living a life of Excitement or a life of commitment.
What I mean by this?
A life of excitement - You are someone who has short attention span. You go with what you feel is good, fun, exciting, entertaining, enjoyable.
A person who live a life of excitement it's like a person who just go with what he/she feels.
"oh..everyone of my friend is playing basketball. it's the "IN" thing now. I shall go master basketball. I want to get into school team. After few months, you get into school team already. Haiz.. it's getting boring. Everyday we are just shooting ball, can't we just play match. For the past 10 trainings, your coach got you do to the same training again. you are bored.
The next moment, your friend share with you about badminton. Oh, is boring (you quit), i shall join badmintion now.
This is a life of excitement. Trust me, this person will quit badminton after a few months and join another sport. He/she has no direction in life. No vision.
Life of Excitement = No direction = No purpose = No vision.
My question to you: Usher ministry is happening now, there's chalet coming up, FOP duties, etc. you want to come for every usher duty. You give your best in Usher Ministry. You are on form. What if Usher Ministry is not as happening, will you still be serving? You are not on firm. Let's say it's your 500th usher duty.. will you still serve with the same attitude you have during your 1st usher duty?
A life of excitement won't, a life of commitment definitely will.
So are you serving in usher ministry now because you are living in a life of excitement or a life of commitment?
A life of commitment - You are someone who is committed! Committed to everything that you do. You are faithful and loyal to the things you are given. You are someone who won't give up easily. Never give up.
A person who live a life of commitment is someone who will always learn something new or be impacted in every thing he/she does. Example: Usher ministry, he/she will definitely learn something or be impacted after his/her duty. Why? The reason is because he/she comes in with a new expectation whenever he/she serves God. With a new expectation, you will learn as you expect something new.
[How to come in with a new expectation even if it's my 500th usher duty? The key is to tell yourself never be familar with the way things work. Never assume eveything is right. Never be familar with your chief usher or the system on how we work. when we are familar, we will come in with the same expectation because we assume we know how it's going to be like]
Are you living a life of Excitement or a life of commitment?
Live a life of commitment.
email me and share with me your own evaluation.
email address:
Oh.. that day I was talking to one of the ushers who shared with me how she felt after she learnt from this and evaluated herself.
She shared with me that this teaching is really helpful to her. It has help her to really commit herself to give God her 100% in everything she does and it change her to have more perserverance in whatever she do.
Hope this is helpful..
You will be blessed.
Love this!
Jian Ming
the real Creative Director is here le! XD
(imai, dui bu qi le!)
so here are a few photos that i feel it can relate to Fighters!!! ok, not only Fighters but also Warriors and Spartans! but more towards Fighters! XP

we should be in this position. ever ready to launch out at the enemy and always defending ourselves at the same time so we do not fall! ^^
we should always be training so that we will be physically fit for battle and never giving up to the devil!!
ok! thirdly, we are racing into our destiny!!! do not let anything cause us to fall or break! keep passing on the baton!!
i believe this photo speaks for itself. we already won the battle! time for the next one! XD
hope these are inspiring! ^^
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lin dao yan here ahhhhhh. (Fighters inside joke lah hah :D)
Fighters 1 usher duty is so farrrrrrr away, 28th July. ): Imai is sad nehzxzxz.
But it's approaching soon, so yay!
Since Spartans and Warriors each have photos/pictures to represent themselves, on this happy Tuesday night I decided to pursue on a similar quest. So, here are the fruits of my hard labour...
Fighters, please vote which one you think is the most chio!
Candidate #1

(Ok i think i can hear all the ushers puking already...)
Candidate #2

This is the most common image to pop up whenever I Google Fighter.
Fighter plane mah :D
Candidate #3

Oooooh karate/judo/taekwondo. :0 Cool like water coolerrrrrr.
Candidate #4

OMG CUTENESS. (I think i heard someone say cute like Imai ehhhhh. HAHAHA)
& last but not least,
Candidate #5

The Fighter Fish!
Alright! That all I have to offer to y'all. (: Fighters, please tag to vote for your favourite! Whoohooooo.
And if you think you have even better photos/pictures to represent the ever almighty Fighters team, then bring it on, posttttttt! :D
Ooooh yay compliments to my brain juices and my nocturnal nature!
K tomorrow gt schoooooool. T_T
Can't wait to usher with Fighters next weekend!
Ohhhhhhh and enjoy Nubian Gents this weekend as well. :)
Gonna go sleep and recharge my creative juicesssss man.
Fighting the O'levels,
Imai ♥
(Creative Director)
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Attention pls!!
i've added in a new column at the side of the blog, "Upcoming Usher Duties" !!! It tells you about all the next upcoming duty!! so ushers, please check!!
and therefore there's no more excuse for forgetting duties anymore! and inform your chief ushers beforehand if you cannot make it for duty! WAHAHAHAH! =p
PLAN YOUR TIME WISELY!! so as not to let 2 ministries clash on the same day! i think i remember pastors said this before, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!" so plan your time!!
and most impt of all, be accountable to your chief ushers!! if you cannot make it for duty or is clashed with some other ministry, tell your chief ushers in advance so that they can plan! AMEN?
i remember not long ago, i had Dance and i was also on for Usher duty. and i forgot to tell noni about it, in the end i had to run both ministries at the same time and almost saboed the whole team, this is about accountability la people!
i have made this mistake, so guys!! Dun follow my example, but learn from it!! plan in advance! and if there's anything, let your chief ushers know in advance as well. Agreed? ^^
thank you people!!
Walking into my Destiny!
- Alton
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My Vision.
After the service on vision, God spoke to me during quiet time a few nights later that although I may be new, I can also achieve great things if I put my heart and really have faith in Him. And all big things must start small just like how Jesus compared the amazing kingdom of God to an ordinary mustard, which a man took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds perched in its branches. This set me to think how I can get started and God told me that a sincere smile is a powerful tool which I can use to soften hearts and impact lives. It is easy being an usher but what distinguishes the Heart of God Church ushers from other ushers is our love for people and God. It does not matter whether you are a head usher or just a new usher like me, for we are in love with God, not just his causes, and that we are all working towards a common goal. By starting small, I will be preparing myself spiritually for the greater plans God has for me. I am counting down to my first duty on 20 July 2007 when I can let new friends feel welcome like how I first felt. God will use me to usher people into their destiny and the vision God unveiled for me is to be an usher for the 1000 people church, something I believe will come to pass in the near future.
Guo Ping
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
My vision for usher
today was a powerful service. When Pastor How told us to seek the Holy Spirit for a vision, I seek for a vision in usher too. So I am here to share more about my vision for usher (:
The vision i had was seeing myself as just someone who is there to support pastors, chief ushers and the section leaders. With every number 1 man, there is a number 2 man. I am the latter. I would be someone who would make them feel secure that someone would be watching their backs while they are leading the fight to usher a 1000 people. LOL. For now, I can be zai enough to let my leaders know I can take care of a certain thing and they can do other things without worries. And when my section leaders cant be there, I can be there to help. I am praying and planning to make my vision come to pass (:
Well I am sure many of you has a dream to be a chief or even head usher. I dream of being a head usher too. However, I think that we should not dream of promotion, but dream of going to that level of a head usher. For when you are secure in what you do, God knows you are ready for promotion.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Chief Usher's Birthday
Second Row, from left to right: Andy, Alastair, Jin Yuan and Peck Hoon
Third Row, from left to right: Jian Min, Edmund, Christopher, Jonathan, Kenneth and Miaow Guan
Picture taken on 30 July 2007, Spartans on Usher.
Happy Belated Birthday Cherie!
[25 June 2007]
From Spartans.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Chicken Soup?
In the ancient Greek times, Sparta created one of the toughest and most disciplined armies in world history. Their soldiers were trained from infancy to be tough and obedient to their laws.
The training gave boys the three most vital traits of a Spartan:
- Toughness: To be physically strong and to endure hardships
- Obedience: Being loyal to Sparta and disciplined in the military
- Fearlessness: Go into war with no fear and to die in battle is a great honour
As Ushers,
- Toughness is defined as being strong and durable. We need to be strong in our conviction and our spiritual life.
- Like what Jian Ming shared with us, Obedience is the key to unlock other qualities. If you obey and submit to your leaders, everything will be good and going.
- We need to be fearless, not arrogant, but courageous and bold. I can't emphasize this more. 1 Chronicles 28:20 says everything.
*Tactful means showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people.
Nigel: Not a ordinary usher, but a EXTRAORDINARY usher that will bring people to God with a servantheart & last of all being a Cheif Usher & do-ers of God. :D
Andy: Ushering is more then just usher,but to serve with all your heart and give your 100% to serve God and help many others out there to get save.
Yibin: To serve God 100% during the BEST YEARS of my LIFE and at the same time, RISE UP to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL in USHER!!! =
Gerard: To unleash my potential in God and to grow spiritually by serving in Usher!
EeddyY: Think Big, Grow Big and Be BIG... Ushering people with sincere hearts!! =)
KIANLENG=) : A Spirit- Filled Usher who will give God his best and be able to bring down the presence of God during Ushering! Always be there for People!!
Peck Hoon: Be an inspiring and spiritual Chief Usher who serves not only the people of God, but every new person who steps into hoGc!
Yilin: Reach a level where I can lead a team who will give their best in Usher like the army of 300 soldiers..
Wayne: An usher, who will break free from my comfort zone, always be there backing the head usher or pastors up. I dream of being a chief usher. If there is a need, I will be there.
Michelle Yao: Hi eveyone! sorry for posting this late as i'm still seeking God about my dreams in usher. Guess I've got an answer! haha My dreams in usher ministry is to be a CHEIF USHER. not just a titled chief usher but one whom will flow with pastor and run with the church. Usher ministry have really gone up to another level! No matter how Big or how Zai we are, I wanna be the cheif usher that pass on the right culture and the heart of Pastor's and the church. YUP! this is my dream! THE FUTURE IS AMAZING! let's keep it up! =D
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wayne's Dream
However, in my walk with God so far, I had just this one specific dream.
And it is to become a businessman.
I once had a vision of buying a plot of land with a magnificient buliding on it. Well I suppose it is heart of God church on that land(:
Then, I feel God just telling me the good character that i need to fulfil my dream. Things like tithing and giving. If I cant part with $10 now, how can I part with millions in future.
Since I came into usher ministry, I've learnt many things. It basically built the foundations for my christian walk. I learnt things like importance of prayer, care for people, putting myself in other's shoes etc.
Talking about me being an usher. Like Alton, I did not choose to be in usher ministry. However, I remembered how an usher smiled at me during my first time in church and how much it will impact a new friend. Thus, I carried this dream to edify others life.
As the church and usher ministry goes up another level, I need to go to a new level too. Thus, I decided to break free from my comfort zone and soar. Starting from this saturday's service.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
1. One who is engaged in or experienced in battle.
2. One who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause
We are people who fights the spiritual wars together as a team!
We are people who engaged aggressively(with godliness) in an activity or a cause!
No matter where we go, carry this heart with us.
We are Warriors for Jesus Christ.
Just a quick post at 1AM!
FIGHTERS are ushering this Sunday, all y'all fighters out there, let's all come for usher k :D Let's breakthrough in our attendance at um, a more... how do i put it, more desirable manner! Heheheh yeah.
I can't wait for every usher duty now :D
I could remember my very first time stepping into church, where the copious copies of unfamiliar faces never failed to intimidate me despite the familiarity of my schoolmates encircling me, the amiable smiles of the ushers definitely made me feel a lot more welcome.
Of course, us ushers being such sweeeeeeet people, there are the occasionally love notes stuck on the green chairs, warming messages ranging from "You are loved!" to "You have a purpose in life!" is definitely a plus point.
I can't wait to serve, i can't wait to greet the next new friend with our signature usher smile.
I can't wait to see the smile of a new friend who felt welcome in this place we call our home, i can't wait to see that same new friend raising his arms to worship God, singing the same freedom anthem we all had sung.
We usher people into their destiny, don't give God second best, because God gave us His best, His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ! :D
Sweet salvation, my heart never fails to soar and sing everytime i see an unfamiliar face streaked with tears, his broken heart mended by God, shattered dreams flying again, joy overflowing his heart, all coming from the Lord our God.
Who knows, that person might have just been one of us.
Who knows, if had we ushers not been there, one of us would not have been here?
SMILE! (otherwise you're going to be owing somebody many many cans of coke...)
Ushered into my destiny,
Monday, June 25, 2007
Usher Challenge - EXTENDED!!
I already got the winning team. The winning team will be the team that will usher the people into their destiny for SINGPOST GRAND OPENING SERVICE, 11th AUGUST 2007.
However, the current winning team may not be the one doing for the opening service. I need to be fair to everyone.
Therefore, I’m extending the challenge.
New Challenge!!
By this Friday, we will see which team has the most number of crews that tag here.
Example: Pei Shan: Warriors!!
Same as last week!
What we going to do is to add up the score of last week and this week. The team with the highest score is the team that will do SINGPOST GRAND OPENING SERVICE.
Fair enough? The challenge starts now.
Due date: Friday, 29th June 07.
Due time: 1159pm.
Here’s the score for last week! :
Total points with Zone F: 16
Total points without Zone F: 13
Total points with Zone F: 17
Total points without Zone F: 17
Total points with Zone F: 23
Total points without Zone F: 20
Warriors are leading.
Btw, Zone F team will also be doing ushering for the Grand Opening Service.
No spamming.
We shall see which team is the fastest to be mobilize!
We are an Army of God that can be mobilize any time, any where, right here, right now!
The earlier you tag, the chances of doing usher for Opening Service is higher. hint hint*
Results will be announced on the 1st July after service. See you at the meeting after Sunday Youth Service.
Ushering people into their destiny,
Jian Ming
Head Usher
Sunday, June 24, 2007
†he DreÂm
learning to serve really change my perspective about things like
my bad habbits xD
I learn that being late is not only wasting me and the people who are waiting for me but it also may lead to an ineffective service o.O
The dream of mine isn't really big as to compare with God has install for me so here i go i wanna Give the best and not short change God in everything i do
( i know its hard to do that all the time )
i want to also not only usher people into thier destiny i wanan bring/lead them into it. where they can See God face to face and be a HAPPY Child of God
Be ever ready to pick up the cross and YES RUN WITH THE Solution
USHERS we have done good but LET US Do better and be higher then where we are let us take the bold faith and leap into the sky
I wish and pray you all well for the future is going to be amazing
AMEN<----------- from your Spartan Friend xxX_Kenneth_Xxx
This is just so AMAZING!
In this post, I want to share with you all about my dreams in Usher Ministry!
Firstly, I want to reach a level where is can lead a team who will give their best and Usher like that army 300 soliders!!!
Because Usher Ministry is a training ground of the Church!! ((:
This is just so amazing! And seeing ushers growing in the Ministry and seeing people being sent out to other Ministry to help out! ~Feels like a army of 300!!
And when I see post like Miaow Guan really inspires me to keep on going for God and serving Him all my best beacuase I want to see more of Miaow Guans raising up and help to carry the burden of the Church. Like what Pastor always say, Church is not about the Building but is about the People! Passionate for Christ and Hunger in them to Live Learn Lead!!!
But on top of that, our life have to be in order! Amen!
Army Of God 300!!! Keep on Growing!
Love God, Love People, Love Life!! Accelerate!!
All Things are Possible through Christ!
Have Faith and Trust God!
Running the Race with you!
With lots of Love,
hahaha... i think hor all the ushers who already posted are all super amazing lah like the amazing spiderman (me)
yea... anyways here's my dream haha...
i dream of becoming a HEAD usher soon *hint hint* hahaha... ya lor... its not cos i want the title or anything but hor i really caught the heart of dreaming BIG from everyone lah... and its always good to dream BIG as u really can see how God makes ur BIG dream seem small with His BIGGER plans hahaha...
nxt hor, i dream of seeing many many happy faces when i usher people lah... ushering people shld not be a job i guess but it has to come from the heart... and i get excited when i see that the people i usher are smiling hahaha... maybe i just naive hahaha...
ya lor... i guess thats all i have to say FOR NOW cos its like 3am LOL... half of my brain is dead "P
dozing off,
today i was talking to peishan. and she mentioned this thing..
don't you feel that there is something happening in this blog? there is just this buzz and hype atmosphere here! and its not just physically, if you notice there is sort of a spiritual element in it. I believe God is at work here guys! somethings gonna change and move our usher ministry like never before! Amen? ^^
i think for myself how i came into this ministry was very different from other people. haha! because when i first came into usher i didn't ask to be in it. neither did i wanted to be in it, my choice of ministry then was video and cafe. (which i did not get into either) i became one of the first batch of ushers in FTMS, Roy was still the Head Usher then. but over time, as i got discipled and grew in usher, so did my love for serving in Usher! It was here that i learnt to take note of little details and it is here that i learnt about punctuality and the importance of it. till today im still learning from all the chief ushers and Jianming too!
i'm really thankful to be given the chance to rise up to where i am now in this ministry. =) like what nadine said, without this ministry, i would not be what i am today. i would not be able to plan things, not be able to lead people. and it was also thru this ministry that i got to know friends and really got my roots planted in church! =D
and i know of some people that are always loving usher duty! one of them is agnetta! -claps
you know? she went around church telling people she know, that she missed ushering for church pledge day and that she was so angry that she couldn't not go overseas w her parents. she was telling me "alton! you know what anot? sian le~... i asked jianming if i can usher for pledge day, and he gave me the green light liao le! den now i have to go for this stupid trip and i'll be missing pledge day and ushering for it la!!" she so so desired to usher!
so ushers!! (FIGHTERS ESPECIALLY! :p ) let not your next duty be just another duty! expect something different, treat it differently from your last duty! this time is always gonna be better then the last time you did it! correct whatever mistakes you did in the last duty, smile wider, pray that people will get touched by your one sentence "Hi! Welcome to Heart of God Church!" and know that whenever you usher someone, its not just ushering them to their seats. YOU ARE USHERING THEM INTO THEIR DESTINY IN GOD!!
Lastly, bond together, work together, pray together! and of coz, usher together!!
Ushered into destiny
Alton / Alumn
Saturday, June 23, 2007
It's true, Usher Ministry has also been called the training ground, a place where people's character change, and most importantly, their lives. And I'm a living testimony! :DDD
I became an usher last April. And I'm proud to declare that Usher Ministry is my first ever ministry!!! If anyone ask me why would I want to join this ministry, I would always tell them the same thing:
"Cos hor, during Create '05, it was only my 3rd visit to church. Then during the break, I saw the ushers and they are so cool! All the dancers were also ushers and they were helping to carry the chairs!!!"
I think without Usher Ministry, I would not have come so far...
I've grown a lot. And it's all because of this superb, fantastic and wonderful ministry! Not only have I learnt things like being detailed, faithful in the small things, and also fierce stuffs like how to disciple people! Hahaha.
From the Chief Ushers, I've learnt the importance of prayed up SMSes. Cos I've witnessed a service, when ALL the ushers sent their prayed up SMS, and we had SO MUCH time to pray for service, and each chair. That day's service was fantastic! Everything just went so smoothly. From that day, I was even more determined to make sure all ushers send their prayed up SMSes. (hint to all fighters! hahaha)
From Jian Ming, one simple thing: care for your ushers. I was just a new crew then. Doors were going to open. Still, he came to me, and asked me if I was thirsty. Of course I said no! But he knew and asked me to quickly go take a sip of water. I'm touched by this little action (:
Then, Noni became my Chief Usher. He's always there. Whenever you need help, you know he's there. And together with Jian Ming, he has risen me up to where I am today. He taught me how to be firm, how to gain respect, usher skills... Countless things.
In simple terms, without Usher Ministry, I would not be who I am today.
I'm ushered into my destiny,
Friday, June 22, 2007
A Story
Heard from Wei Chao about this blog. He ask to share about our dreams for the future. So.. I guess it's good to share how I feel about usher ministry and where it brought me.
Usher ministry was my first ministry in church, it's a place where I pick up the heart of serving. Here it's a journary to pick up traits, character, attitude and passion from the people around you. Not only you get to learn from your Head Usher and Chief Usher, you get to learn from your fellow usher crew as well.
In the being of usher, I start off to be lead by Koon Yew. That time Roy was leading as a head usher. I then learn from Roy the submisive heart when he shared with me an example what happens when the hands and legs doesn't listen to the head. All things will start to go wrong, that where I learn to obey instructions carefully.
From Koon Yew, I learn the heart of being detailed. I remembered last time, there was a mounting board that has a layout of the church. Koon Yew will always pick the names, place them on the board and explain the positions to us. He could have just pointed the positions and tell us where we should go. Instead, he always find the names of the ushers from a plastic bag where everyone's name are being mixed around and stick them on the board.
Then it goes on to Noni. He had a great passion to serve, from his stories I caught the heart of serving. Pastor once shared that before the renovations for FTMS was completed. The toilet was in a mess and no one clean it. But Noni took the intiative and clean it up. That was the amazing thing, he could have choose not to do it. But because the heart to serve is there, no matter what task it is. The hands will be willing to complete it.
Next it was Pei Shan. She was focus about pray up, that's where the usher beyond of only performing tasks to operating in the spirit. From Pei Shan I learn the importance of praying up before service. Prayer kick start our sprirtual engines, when we pray up before we usher. Our sense will be sharper towards the people who need us to brighten our day. Just because of a prayer, your alertness to turn toward a new friend, look him or her in the eye and smile can make a big difference.
I caught the heart of giving best from Jian Ming. He never give second best to God, he always taught us that if we are to serve God half-heartedly during a service. It is better that we don't serve at all. From him I saw the importance of giving my best, if we are giving our best. We would not forgot to bring things, wear the wrong attire, don't smile... God has given us His best, and we should give our best to Him as well.
Hunger to serve was found in two girls, one was Hwee Yee and the other was Alexander. Rememeber that once Alexander face major PO, that means she can't even serve in usher. But she want it so badly, she thought of a plan; she will ask a friend to bring the clothes for her to church and after that her friend will once again bring it home to wash for her. She could have become a regular sunday/satuday christian. But she choose not to. Same for Hwee Yee, there was a time, she got major PO and she could only come for service sometimes, but whenever she got a chance. She will sneak out during the day she is on duty and do usher.
Faithfulness was to be found in Ah Cai, Gang Yuan and Jacky. They had been the church for the longest period and never once their passion to serve died off. Faithfulness is found when you are doing the same thing over and over again without losing the passion for it.
This jounary to learn and serve still goes on and there are still many thing wait for me to learn and waiting for you to learn as well. It's a matter of observing and discovering, everyone has something special waitting to be given to others. Have the wanting to learn from them and you will find it from them...
For me, I don't have a specfic dream that I want to reach and go to. But I do know one thing that I want to do, if there is a need for me to help I will help. If I have the ability to do it, I will do it. But if I don't have, walk in faith and God will help.
Bursting On
Miaow Guan
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Usher Video