Sunday, July 8, 2007

My vision for usher

hey there,

today was a powerful service. When Pastor How told us to seek the Holy Spirit for a vision, I seek for a vision in usher too. So I am here to share more about my vision for usher (:

The vision i had was seeing myself as just someone who is there to support pastors, chief ushers and the section leaders. With every number 1 man, there is a number 2 man. I am the latter. I would be someone who would make them feel secure that someone would be watching their backs while they are leading the fight to usher a 1000 people. LOL. For now, I can be zai enough to let my leaders know I can take care of a certain thing and they can do other things without worries. And when my section leaders cant be there, I can be there to help. I am praying and planning to make my vision come to pass (:

Well I am sure many of you has a dream to be a chief or even head usher. I dream of being a head usher too. However, I think that we should not dream of promotion, but dream of going to that level of a head usher. For when you are secure in what you do, God knows you are ready for promotion.


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