Wednesday, July 25, 2007



I believe many of you might have already known that you will be taken down due to AE on the official date which is 3rd August.

BUT!! Only for Usher Ministry, we are going to extend the dateline until 12th August, as because of FOP and Grand Opening which many of you are going to usher! 

So to make clear one thing is that only those that are ushering for Grand opening, your dateline is extended to 12th August
As for the rest that are only ushering for FOP and are going to be taken down, your dateline is only extended by a week.

So guys! Lets really sieze this opportunity and give our very best and USHER!!! haha, i believe many of you are sad to be taken down but before you leave(temporarily), really REALLY! give your best shot at FOP and Grand Opening!!


Another thing is that, be reminded that there is usher meeting on the 12th of August, Timing is 1-3pm.
It is still pending as we still do not know if we are able to use Singpost for the meeting on the 12th, but there will be one! So please take note!


 - Ushered -

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