Friday, June 29, 2007

Chicken Soup?

Hi Spartans,

"Chicken Soup for Spartans" by Christopher.

Firstly, Spartan is not only to referring the citizens of Sparta, but if you use it as an adjective, it is defined as being courageous, undaunted, brave and resolute in adversity and also being disciplined. As you can see, it reflects how the Spartans in the movie 300 are like.

So, let's call ourselves Spartan Ushers as it is grammatically correct.

In the ancient Greek times, Sparta created one of the toughest and most disciplined armies in world history. Their soldiers were trained from infancy to be tough and obedient to their laws.

The training gave boys the three most vital traits of a Spartan:
  1. Toughness: To be physically strong and to endure hardships
  2. Obedience: Being loyal to Sparta and disciplined in the military
  3. Fearlessness: Go into war with no fear and to die in battle is a great honour
However, let us turn it around to apply it in a spiritual way and relate in to serving as an usher.
As Ushers,
  1. Toughness is defined as being strong and durable. We need to be strong in our conviction and our spiritual life.
  2. Like what Jian Ming shared with us, Obedience is the key to unlock other qualities. If you obey and submit to your leaders, everything will be good and going.
  3. We need to be fearless, not arrogant, but courageous and bold. I can't emphasize this more. 1 Chronicles 28:20 says everything.
Let's be Spiritual Spartans in usher. Amen!

And lastly, an acronym for SPARTANS;

S piritual
P urposeful
A ccountable
R esolute
T actful
A vailable
N ever say die
S ubmissive

*Tactful means
showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people.

Let's be spartanic spartans that will usher people into their destiny spartanically spartanly with spartanism.

Hope it make sense. Lol.

Signing off,

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