We are the biggest ministry, we have the coolest, so professional attire and most importantly, we have BLOG!!! Don’t you think we are just so exciting and so happening?! (:
When I first joined...
I joined usher back when we were in Henderson! I was one of the Henderson’s ushers together with noni they all, we will wear anything we like to do usher! Usher life in Henderson was simple but back then, there’s already fun and love. I still remember we will sit in the cry room at the back of the auditorium during service and Pastor How always say behind the pulpit that we, the ushers are like fish in the water tank. Haha!
Why and how did I feel...
Mine was a bit different because I chose usher ministry myself! (:
I was reading a Christian book then I read about serving God and the book says we serve God by serving man! Then I told my leader at that moment that I want to join a ministry! Then I looked around to see what ministry serve people most...then I saw ushers coming down to church early, rushing and yet arranged the chairs neatly just for the people to sit! Then after service, they will have to pick up litters, flyers and keep back the chairs! So I joined this ministry with an excitement that I can serve people!
Like Jianming, I feel that the one experience that I can never forget and I really enjoyed myself is during ignite ‘05! Though we were all very tired every morning but at least we were very happy! Happy serving! We felt like an army, we chiong the battle together! I can remember during the break, when you open the usher room, you will see many ushers lying down on one another’s shoulders sleeping. During those 3 days, we were drilled and increased in our capacity to usher 800-1000 people! Though it’s the first time we ushered so many people, we have the attitude that is willing to learn. From there, usher ministry grew in skills and love! Love like a big family! (:
Another experience that I can never forget...It was not a good memory, but I grew another level in my walk with God.
It was our church dedication service! The auditorium was filled with so many people until the ushers don’t even have a place to stand hence we were asked to sit in our usher room. Sitting down in the usher room, we can’t see what’s going on in the auditorium and most importantly, we can’t hear the sermon clearly. Totally NO FEAR OF GOD at all, the ushers begin to chat among themselves, laughing away, play games, do homework and even read the newspaper!!! Pastors, Roy and Jianming were very very angry and disappointed! We have NO respect for God’s Word; we have NO FEAR OF GOD! We could open the usher door so that we could listen to the sermon or the least we could do was to keep quiet and try our best to listen to the sermon. From this, I learnt the fear of God; I learnt to respect God and will never ever allow anyone around me to disrespect God too! If we say we love Him, then we respect Him!
Ushers, even if your bible or notebook are in the ops room, still listen to the Word of God, giving your best attention to Pastor! Best is we should always prepare our notebook and bible, putting them aside before the service.
The last experience that I want to share is one service that I did ushering with Jianming! That day we run the service imagine we were having a soccer match with the devil! At the end of the service, are we going to crash the devil with 10-0 or the other way round?!
Chairs neatly arranged and arranged fast! 1-0 Section B1 filled! 2-0 Second row with good people! 3-0 and so on. During the altar call of that service, many lives were touched by God 10-0!!! We won! We were all very happy! It was a great service, we ushered down God’s presence and ushered people into their destiny! (:
Even though, it’s your 100 times ushering, 100 times carrying the same black chairs, 100 times saying the same old line...we are always on a match with the devil. We got to know that when we are at the field, there’s no turning back but to give our best and win the match!
Usher ministry had grown me from a girl that doesn’t dare to speak loudly, confidently to strangers to someone that can lead the team and run the service. I thought I can’t but God, Pastors and my leaders believe. Ushers, keep your dreams alive! Believe! (:
I have never regretted joining usher ministry!
I don’t mind being a normal crew as long as I am still able to serve my Lord in this ministry. You don’t need a title to serve a great God, no matter what position you are in; you always give your best! Always remember you are doing it for one and only God! I won’t forget my reason of joining this ministry!
My greatest honor will always be to serve my Lord and King
Peishan, F4
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