Usher Ministry is a cool ministry(:
Well, before i tell you more about my experience in Usher ministry, let me share with you how i came into this ministry(: Like many of us, i joined Usher is because one fine day, some one whom i never knew before call me up and told me to report for Usher duty that weekend. And this person is none other than our ex Head Usher, Roy.P.S This happen in the year 2004 back in Henderson days.
At first, I was very scared because at that time I know nothing and what I'm going to do. But of course, when i reached, there were people who taught me how to Usher. Well I can still remember it was Roy, Jeremy Lim, Jacky Lim, Jonathan Koh and my brother Gang Yuan who taught me how to arrange the chairs and it was definitely fun!
Thou in Usher Training Jian Ming always say, "Usher is a Strict Ministry" Well I can tell you that, it is a strict ministry BUT we are also a fun ministry! WHY? Cause there are events such as Usher Chalet, Usher Gathering! Truly in these time, we really bond as a ministry! There are also times when Ushers bond together as a team is when Usher Ministry is in the season of Usher Challenge!
Above and beyond all the fun, i have truly grown as a person through Usher Ministry. Through all the strictness in the Ministry, i have learnt to discipline myself and force myself to do things that will be difficult for me such as giving up my resting time to report for duty on time in the past!
There are a few reasons to why I said that Usher Ministry is a cool Ministry, firstly like I've said, it is strict but fun! Secondly is the discipleships that I had. through all the many many discipleships, I can say that i have really grown a lot as a person in terms of character, attitude.
Also, Usher Ministry gives me many exposure to large crowds, for example, ushering in FOP- Festival Of Praise yearly and Ignite conference yearly! From these exposures, i grew in capacity in the area of Ushering large crowds.
Every time we hear people say, Christianity is not a bed of roses, well it is true in Usher. Because there will be time when the Chief Ushers disciple and yes it may be painful, but if you take it and run, you will grow!(:
By this year end, I want to see myself doing more things for the Ministry(:
I feel personally, in Usher, we just got to do it! Even if we are very very scared, we can trust God cause HE is our father in Heaven! AMEN! Phil 4: 13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Have this in mind every time when you are scared(:
Someone once said this before "If you want something you never have before, do something you never done before!" Like wise, if you want to be a Chief Usher one day, you got to start to do some thing that you never done before!
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